First Post


First Post

One of the annoying, but customary, things to do when you create a new git repository is to make the First Commit. This commit is usually the one that starts the project and has the uninformational commit message of “First Commit”. This post is my “First Commit” to this blog. It is the first post, and as such, it is a bit of a placeholder. I will be adding more posts soon, and I hope that you will find them interesting.

If you don’t know who I am, I’m sure that the About Me page will help you out. If you do know who I am, then you know that I am a PhD student, a psychiatrist, a father, a husband, and a writer. I hope to share some of my experiences in these roles with you, and I hope that you will find them interesting.

With this, I’ll take my leave. I hope to see you all soon.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.